I walked out to my mailbox this afternoon, and there, amongst the bills, store flyers and pre-approved credit card offers, was a thing of beauty…
My order from Sublime Stitching!
I love Jenny Hart at Sublime Stitching. She is the reason I started embroidering. Her patterns are so fun and her instructions are so easy to follow. Last week, Jenny announced on Facebook that she was having a BIG ♥ HONKIN' ♥ SALE!
Holy smokes, patterns were 50% off! I called my daughter, J* and told her to get her booty online and start shopping. After adding one of everything to my cart, I realized I had to show some restraint :( After many hours of deliberation, I finally decided on the following patterns.
J* had even a harder time that I did, and finally decided on 8 patterns. Hers are all different than the ones I bought, so now we can borrow from each other.
We met Jenny Hart at the Renegade Craft Fair in Los Angeles this summer. She was so nice, so was her mother. And, while we were there, my daughter bought me the Golden Dragon scissors I had been drooling over.
There are awesome, I am in love with them. I cannot wait to start embroidering. I have some ideas for Christmas presents this year and the patterns will make them amazing.
I just received an order from them too. It's a book mark I'm making for a friend who loves to read. Love their crazy patterns and quote cross stitch!